My Internship at CYA Live

Company - Cya Live (Company's Website)

Duration - September 2021 to December 2021

Technology - Unity Engine, C#, Custom Websocket API

About the Game - Sketcharoo :

  • A similar version of popular board game "Pictionary".
  • Players will use CYA's platform to communicate for guessing the drawing.
  • Moderators/hosts have control of the game flow (i.e. they will decide who will be the drawer for each round).

About the Game - Mafia/Warewolf Development Stage :

  • A similar version of popular board game "Mafia" and "Warewolf".
  • Players will use CYA's platform to communicate for game communication.
  • Moderators/hosts have control of the game flow (i.e. they will add players, they will decide gameplay rules(lobby settings) of the game).

My Contribution :

  • Implemented the gameplay mechanics of multiplayer board game using custom websocket API in Unity Engine.
  • Collaborated closely with other Developers and Designers to deliver better and engaging Gameplay.
  • Responsible for all of the UI programming and animations.
  • Optimized the code structure and workflow of multiplayer game by limiting data transfer to reduce workload on server.
  • Iterate, test and update mechanics and UI of the game as per design requirements.

Resources :